Keeping Your Land-Rover's True Identity


Just a line to let you know that the Land-Rover Forward Control 2B bulkhead arrived today ! Hoorah !! Due to Covid-19 it took about 6 months to get from the UK to NZ, but the bulkhead arrived safely and with no damage. The crate was certainly up to the job, thank you! Now the clever bit is fitting it to the chassis in the New Year.

So a big thanks to all at Pegasus Bulkheads.

John from new zealand, 22nd december 2021

The day after our bulkhead was delivered, we put the bulkhead on, along with the rear body and found that everything lined up perfectly. The doors fit and close, the windscreen fits, the vent flaps and seals fit, the door seals fit – a great result!

We have removed the bulkhead and body sections now and are painting everything ready for final assembly.

We are both looking forward to being able to drive about in it again, although I don’t know whether we’ll undertake the kind of journeys we used to do in it.

I’ll keep you updated on progress. I’m happy for you to use the pictures but retain copyright in them.

Chris and Linda
Worcs, 21st March 2021.

I went for a drive yesterday and collected Millie’s Christmas present, her new bulkhead before Bristol started its Tier 3 lockdown today.

After being fobbed off for around twelve months by another manufacturer in Birmingham I cancelled my order with them. A further prowl of the internet came up with Pegasus as being the next nearest producer of Series 2 bulkheads.

If practical I like to talk face to face with the people I am dealing with. I rang them and made my enquiry then arranged to drive down to see them in Millie. We had a friendly meeting which included a close examination of Millie’s bulkhead and coffee and biscuits. At the end of the meeting I decided to place an order for a new bulkhead without any holes for the heater and later no hole for the dip switch, and a few other bits and pieces.

I went home and confirmed the order on the 22nd Sept’ by transferring the fifty percent deposit. I received a number of updates and a couple of pictures from Pegasus, until on the 27th November I was advised that my bulkhead was ready to collect. I arranged to drive down and collect my bulkhead yesterday after first checking that it would fit in the back of my Peugeot, which it did lying flat on an old duvet.

I am a very happy bunny and a satisfied customer of Pegasus.

Bristol, 2nd December 2020.

Debbie and Paul, please feel free to use the photo’s in any legitimate way that you wish. Please use me as a reference and provide my email address to a serious prospective customer. Wendell Kelch and his crew did all of the work, and Pegasus provided many of the parts that made the restoration possible.

Ohio, United States, 20th March 2020